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7 Benefits of Using Spy Cameras in Your Home

Video surveillance can add some always-needed security to your household. Read about the many benefits of using spy cameras for your home.

2.5 million home break-ins take place in the United States every year.

Break-ins are a terrifying occurrence, and no one ever believes it could happen to them. But they do happen. And when they do, are you prepared?

Installing spy cameras could be one way to deter potential thieves, but home surveillance offers other benefits as well. Read on to find out what they are and if you should consider home security cameras for your property.

What Are Spy Cameras?

The word spy can invoke many thoughts, usually in the form of what we've seen in the movies! But spy cameras can be a beneficial investment to your home and do not often align with the sophisticated advanced technology we see in films.

In short, a spy camera is a device in your home that allows you to view different parts of your home, whether you're present or not. Some cameras are inconspicuous, while others are in blatant spaces to purposefully ward off unwanted visitors.

7 Reasons to Use Spy Cameras in Your Home

To protect your home from being the next burglarized statistic, here are seven reasons to consider installing home cameras today.

1. Scare Away Intruders

It's already been mentioned that cameras can help keep thieves or other people off your property. Burglars are less likely to approach a home when they see a security camera keeping watch over the place.

Some security cameras come equipped with the ability to contact the authorities for you in case you're unable to do so.

2. Capture Evidence

If you are a victim of a burglary or other crime, the security camera can record the whole thing. After filing a police report, the police can refer to the footage your camera recorded and possibly catch the thief, gather more information, or, in extreme cases, be used in court proceedings.

3. Keep an Eye on Hired Help

With indoor security systems, you can even watch the activity in the inside of your home with wifi cameras. For example, if you have help around the house, such as a maid, babysitter, caregiver, gardener, or lawn keeper, and they come when you're not at home, you can keep watch on them and ensure they're doing their job.

4. Monitor Strangers on Your Property

Sometimes people will walk on your property without permission. These could be troublemakers, inspectors, and the like. Spy cameras capture suspicious behavior from unknown visitors and allow you to take precautionary measures to protect your property and your family.

5. Watch Those Kids

Speaking of family, some security cameras contain technology that will enable you to watch your kids on your smartphone while you're away. If you have elderly parents or other family members that live with you, you can watch them as well. Security cameras are being hailed as the new baby monitors!

When you hire a babysitter, or caregiving for an aging family member, checking in on them through your smartphone security system offers you peace of mind.

6. Pet Peace

Not sure which pup got into the trashcan? Cat acting innocent when asked about sofa scratches? Not anymore!

If you have a troublesome pet, your home surveillance can tell the truth about what type of behavior your pet is exhibiting. Then, you can work out a solution to solve the problem.

7. Money Saver

When people think of security systems, they may pass up the idea because of the cost. However, insurance companies favor families that take action in maintaining safety on their property and in their home.

Most insurance companies will consider lowering premiums for homeowners with security systems or spy cameras. The discounts will vary depending on the company, but a quality security system could deduct 15%-20% off your rate. Contact your insurance company to see if you qualify.

So, Should I Get A Home Surveillance System?

The decision to purchase a home security system is a personal one. If you have several valuables or feel uneasy about your family being home alone, it might be worth the investment. Living in an area with a high crime rate might be another reason to consider spy cameras.

With all the advanced technology, home security cameras are straightforward to integrate into your home, and they're easy to use. Learning how to use the system and navigate it is one of the most challenging parts, but most companies take care of the upkeep.

When and if you decide to buy, do your research and find cameras that fit the needs of you or your family.

Can I Use Spy Cameras if I Already Have A Security System?

Yes! Sometimes security system and security cameras are two different technologies. Security or alarm systems often do not come with video surveillance; they are merely systems designed to alert the authorities when there's suspicious activity in your home.

Having schemes caught on video combined with an alarm system provides more information and acts as a fortress in your home.

Could I Install a Dummy Camera?

Sure, but it will not do any good should your house become enticing to a thief.

Spy Cameras: Are They For You?

Spy cameras may not be as impressive as in the movies, but they can give your family and you a peace of mind when used correctly. With their many uses, nearly every home could benefit from personal video surveillance.

Are you interested in a security system for your home? Contact us today to find out how we can help you! 

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