Workplace theft isn't exactly uncommon. In fact, studies show that it costs US businesses around $50 billion annually. In short, no business is immune to it.Do you own a business property? If so, it might be a good idea to install a spy camera. Spy cameras offer a variety of benefits and could be exceedingly useful for your business. Curious as to why you should install a spy camera on your business property? Then read on. Here are seven compelli… Read more
There were around 6,000 spy cameras in the U.K in 2014. It shows how prevalent spy cameras are.Spy cameras are often very helpful if you want to see who is your front door at home or would be stealing at work. They can be very helpful to monitor and keep you safe. But does that mean you should use a spy camera in your work? Not necessarily.There are pros and cons to using a spy camera, especially if you are using them in your business. If you hav… Read more
Have you been wondering what goes on in your home when you’re not there? Whether you’re worried about your child’s safety when in the care of a nanny or you’re curious about what your dog does all day, there are plenty of reasons to use a home spy camera.However, before you install a spy camera in your home, it’s a good idea to make sure you’ve explored any potential legal issues surrounding the use of a concealed camera. Don’t worry. It’s not as… Read more
27th Aug 2020
8 Common Hidden Camera Mistakes to Avoid for BusinessesSpy cameras can be reliable security tools if you know how to use them at your office. Here are common hidden camera mistakes to avoid for businesses.Do you know when you're making a mistake? Spoiler alert: probably not—if you did, you wouldn't make it.Hidden camera mistakes are common. That's because hidden cameras are tools. Like any tool, using them requires at least some basic knowledge.I… Read more
29th Jul 2020
Big Brother’s watching us.Seriously, there are 70 million CCTV cameras up and running in the United States. That, according to the same source, equates to one camera for every 4.6 people in the country.Clearly, we’re all on camera more than we might like to think! It’s for our own good though.After all, whether they’re installed in city streets, office buildings, or family homes, security cameras are an unquestionable crime deterrent. They monito… Read more